We went to Swiss Garden Damai Laut at lumut last weekend. There have a private beach attach and as not dirty like Port Dickson but not as beautiful like Pulau Redang. At least my son first time experienced to the beach.

This is my first time brought my son to swimming at the pool. He was so excited and have fun. When he reached to the swimming pool which got a lot of kids over there, after we changed his swimming suit and he quickly want to get it there. Luckily we managed to hold him back, if not sure he will jump into the pool. duh...
wah like scooping concrete hahaha...i love building sand castles too :D
i'm sure u all had a fun time!!!
wah looks quite nice eh..
Cairo's mum:) I heard my coliq said toysrus selling 1 beach tool very good.
Jazz:) Can plan for your next trip in this place lor!
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